Friday, January 14, 2011

'cause i'm leaving on a jet plane

...don't know when I'll be back again. I suppose I should book a return flight soon. The flight here was quite nice - just about 7.5 hours, leaving me with plenty of time to watch 2 episodes of 30 Rock, The Social Network, Life As We Know It (don't judge me. i found it very charming.), and the beginning of Never Let Me Go (yes, based on the book - um hello depressing much? really not good to have on in the background whilst catching your first view of the London Eye, not good at all).

In any case, here's a nondescript picture from the plane window. As if you should be able to garner where I was headed.

 along with some in-flight "entertainment":

ah, and a mini gif of some more "pretzel art" i completed on a different flight about 3 years ago...



  1. haha i'm pretty sure i was next to you when you wrote ninja out of your pretzels. and then you started to take pictures. and i was ashamed.

  2. your gif is very impressive.
    also, i had a dream with andrew garfield (from never let me go) in it and he was extremely charming. that accent... he asked me on a date. how could i refuse?
